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Written by George Lennox - Artist/Colours by James Devlin - Lettering by Colin Bell  


The year is 1969, and President Richard Nixon has a problem: The Vietnam War. With protests breaking out all over the country and the death toll rising each week, he needs a new solution. Enter Dr Franklin Herbert. Dr Herbert gets approval for Operation Zombie Holocaust, in which a team of special force soldiers are selected to undergo a new program to make them into an elite fighting machine that can counter attack the North Vietnamese Army. Meanwhile, new recruits Cooper and Clay have just been deployed with 25th Infantry Division “Tropic Lighting”. Their first duty is to search a Vietnamese farm suspected of holding weapons for the VC. But before they get to the farm they discover something too shocking for them to imagine, too shocking for them to witness, too shocking for them to believe. They have just entered the Vietnam Zombie Holocaust.

Vietnam Zombie Holocaust #1 Regular Cover

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